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Editing profiles

An authenticated user can edit their profile, including updating their display name, avatar, banner image, and bio.

Editing a profile works as an "upsert" operation. If the profile does not exist, such as immediately after account creation, the profile will be created. And if the profile already exists, you must merge in new values manually and return result to be updated.

await agent.upsertProfile(existingProfile => {
const existing = existingProfile ?? {}

existing.displayName = 'New display name who dis'
existing.description = 'New bio who dis'

return existing

Only accounts with a valid profile are indexed for search. When creating a new account, we recommend creating a minimal profile with displayName set to the user's handle.

Updating profile avatar or banner

Images are handled as separate records by Bluesky, so adding or updating an avatar or profile banner requires an additional step of uploading the image blob to your PDS.

const avatar = 'data:image/png;base64,...'

await agent.upsertProfile(existingProfile => {
const existing = existingProfile ?? {}

const { data } = await agent.uploadBlob(convertDataURIToUint8Array(avatar), {

existing.avatar = data.blob

return existing